I'm all about simply prepared vegetables, but every once in a while I need to cover them in caramelized pork and cheese, and this stunningly delicious...
This easy side dish is a great compliment to any meal. Even the picky eaters will devour this vegetable side. Bacon and balsamic vinegar combine with raw...
Cauliflower seems to steal the show these days and while I love a good cauliflower steak, they need some competition. Cabbage steaks hold together wonderfully...
Bok Choy is one of my favorite vegetables. It has its own spiciness that is complimented by the sweetness of the sauce in this recipe. I like to serve...
A savory Mexican dish that can easily be turned into vegetarian by replacing the chicken bouillon for vegetable bullion . The cream tones down the heat...
Vegan, gluten-free, and paleo-friendly veggie burger patties with a nutty taste. I came up with this recipe when I had a hard time finding any recipes...
This is a recipe that my Daddy showed me...and I perfected it! This recipe made me a lover of cabbage. It has just the right blend of cheese and bacon....
A delicious mix of cream, onions, and cucumbers to warm the soul. Great with chicken! Substitute sweet heavy cream or plain yogurt for sour cream if you'd...
This classy and sophisticated dish is great as an appetizer or as a side dish with anything from grilled fish to a juicy steak. For an elegant presentation,...
This classy and sophisticated dish is great as an appetizer or as a side dish with anything from grilled fish to a juicy steak. For an elegant presentation,...
This is a wonderful dish I created for my family one day. It can be very tasty if you follow instructions carefully. It is a magnificent sidedish for any...
These flavorful artichokes with their butter, garlic and shallot taste are sure to please any artichoke fan. I especially like the smokey flavor the grill...
This dish will look superb on your table anytime of year, but is especially good as a cool summertime course. The beets are served at room temperature...
Turnips are a tough sell, but I find myself liking the bitterness more as I get older! These are sweet, deep, and mark the first time I have ever heard...
These parsnips are a winning recipe whether you've liked parsnips in the past or not. I experimented with this recipe to try to make parsnips more enjoyable...
These parsnips are a winning recipe whether you've liked parsnips in the past or not. I experimented with this recipe to try to make parsnips more enjoyable...
Try bok choy a different way - marinated in olive oil, soy sauce, sesame oil, and fresh ginger, grilled for a couple of minutes, and served with sesame...
I made up this recipe based on my grandma's zucchini fritter recipe. I have cardoon growing in my garden and wanted to find a good way to use it. This...
This dish will look superb on your table anytime of year, but is especially good as a cool summertime course. The beets are served at room temperature...
This is recipe is loved by everyone who has tried it. My husband's uncle kept this recipe a secret for many years and would not share it with anyone; we...
These parsnips are a winning recipe whether you've liked parsnips in the past or not. I experimented with this recipe to try to make parsnips more enjoyable...
I used some Allrecipes inspiration to create this dish, as well as some of the process I used to make my zucchini gratin. It's a perfect Christmas side...
This is my original recipe. My teenage vegetarian daughter devours these patties as snacks or when made into a sandwich topped with sauce and provolone...
Extremely tasty side dish and a great way to get people to eat their beans! This recipe is so flexible. I've seen others add garlic powder, and some add...
This is an authentic Indian-style okra with bell peppers and tomatoes. It is best served with roti (indian bread) or rice. You can adjust the spices according...
This vegetarian parsnip dish uses multiple cooking and reducing phases to extract every last bit of parsnip essence and highlight its sweet, earthy flavor....
This is a great side dish to meat or fish. It's very easy to make and a good way to use up all those purple flowers that chives make. Make sure when you...
Potato pancakes with a twist. This is a great way to get your kids to try turnips. By adding a side of applesauce and a dollop of sour cream it makes a...